Needless to say you don't have to plant that many sprouts to receive a bundle of potatoes. This next picture was taken halfway through the potato plants, lets just say we have plenty of potatoes!
We were able to clear out this section along with an entire row of radishes and onions (we couldn't get these to survive). We planted more green beans, squash and zucchini because these are our favorites. Here is a few pictures from dinner last night where we cooked up fresh zucchini, squash and green beans from the garden, very tasty!
While working in the garden Reid heard a little chirp coming from under a tomato plant and look what he found:
Although he looks big in the pictures trust me when I say he was very tiny. He was very weak and needed a little nourishment. He sucked this down and was good to go and off the little guy went.
2 comments: day when we get settled in a place where deer don't eat EVERYTHING, you guys have to help me start a garden!!!
Will is well worth it and pretty easy to keep up!
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