Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cooper Eugene McDaniel has arrived

At my last doctor appointment on Feb 21 the midwife decided due to my severe hand nerve pain it was a good idea to go ahead and induce on Feb 27.  I was excited and scared at the same time because it was all becoming real very very soon.  On Feb 24 my parents came into town to help us prepare and be here to help out after he is home for a few days.  On Feb 25 Reid had a school function that we attended and I began having contractions we were timing them about 10-12 minutes apart and thought that we may have Cooper before the scheduled induction.  My older sister Alice came down to be here for his birth and help us out as well.  Well the contractions died down and so Sunday evening we checked into the hospital and found that we were  4 cm and 80% effaced and we were set for induction to start at 5am Monday, Feb 27.
5am came and they started the pitocin and contractions began.  The fetal monitor kept going in and out so they decided to break my water and put an internal monitor on him so at 10:14 my water was broken.  By 11am my contractions were 2 1/2 minutes apart.  At 12 I decided I couldn't deal with the pain and went for an epidural which I got at 1pm.  By 3:25 I was 7cm and by 5:10 I was 10 cm but he was still high so we waited a while to see if he would move down.  At 6:20 I began pushing but by 8:25 I had made very little progress and the doctor decided a C-Section was bed decision for Cooper and I.  At 9:47pm Cooper Eugene McDaniel was born weighing in at 8lbs 2oz and measured 19.75 inches.  At 12:55am I finally got to hold my precious angel for the first time, True Love!  Although, I do not remember a lot from that day or the day after I thankfully had my sister keeping track of everything!

The first 24 hours I was confined to bed so Reid had to do the majority of the work.  When it was time to feed he would change his diaper and then bring him to me then rock him to sleep.  He was amazing!!  I am truly blessed by Reid.  

Here are a few pictures of Cooper meeting the Varga family that was able to make it down for his birth:
Bubba saying hello
Weeva saying hello
Aunt Alice feeding the big guy
Cooper meeting his God Parents Clint and Lene 

Cooper ready to go home:


Melanie & Brian said...

I didn't know the Loest's were his Godparents, that is SOOO cool!

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