Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks

Time seems to be flying by these days!  The last few weeks have been very busy for us both so needless to say I am TIRED!  Reid's Papa was in the hospital and we were not sure if we were going to need to make a quick trip back to Georgia, but thankfully he is doing much better!  We went back to Albuquerque the weekend of October 22 for a wedding.  I was able to have breakfast with two of my favorite ladies that I hadn't seen since Reid and I got married.  Then my sisters, niece, mom, aunt, Reid and I went through all of Braeden's old baby clothes and washed everything up so we could take it back to Cruces with us...we are very blessed to have received all of this!  I also went to Joann's fabric store that Sunday and with the help of my friend Pam I was able to pick out the material for Cooper's bedding.  When we got back to Cruces seems like things kicked into high gear.  We had three late night outs last week and a few this week.  Needless to say my feet have not been happy with me being out so much! 
Reid and I purchase our stroller and infant seat and will be purchasing our crib in the coming weeks.  This past weekend Reid and I went to Babies R Us with our friend Stacey and built our registry there as well as Target.  So all in all things are coming together very nicely. 
I had my checkup this morning and everything went well.  I spent some time talking with our midwife about the flu shot and whether I should get one or not.  The last one I had my entire arm had red bumps all over it.  She said that I am more then likely allergic to an additive not the actual flu shot.  She suggested I take the shot and put ice on it right away so the additive does not spread down my arm.  She said that Cooper is very high, but doing well.  His heart rate was 140 and very active for her.  She gave me the lab request to do our glucose screening and routine checks.  We schedule our next appointment for November 30 where I will receive our first Rohgam shot. 

Here is the fabrics we have chosen to use as the baby bedding...I am so excited to see it all put together!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 22 weeks and 5 days 

Size of baby: Spaghetti Squash about 1 pound

Total Weight Gain/Loss:I have officially moved into the positive side.  I weighed in today at the doctor +2 pounds. 

Maternity Clothes: Yep, still wear my gym clothes other than that everything else is maternity.

Movement: Yes!  I love to feel Cooper moving around, usually more active in the morning and afternoon.  In the evening he may move a little after dinner but afterwards he is pretty still.  Reid hasn't felt him yet but is VERY anxious to feel him!

Sleep: If I sleep on my back I sleep great just wake up to go potty usually two times a night.  I have tried sleeping on my sides with a pillow between my knees, a body pillow, you name it I tried it.  Problem is that I wake up every hour extremely stiff and have to change sides.  I talked to the mid-wife today and she said that I can sleep on my back as long as I stay propped up...HALLELUJAH!!

What I miss: Being able to stay on my feet doing things...seems like after two hours I really need to sit down otherwise I get irritable and not fun to be around.   

Cravings: Nothing specific...but I am looking forward to Reid making Thanksgiving dinner and all the wonderful sides that go along with it!

Symptoms: Cooper moving around, swelling in the ankles and feet in the evening, headaches on occasion.
 Best moment this week: After lunch I will play with Cooper by placing my hand on my belly and then he will come and kick it.  Cracks me up!


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